
Saturday, October 20, 2007

Just CLICK It!

Another new blogging event has appeared on the scene, and it's all about food photography! Jai at Jugalbandi has created CLICK, which is dedicated to theme-based food photography without requiring a recipe or a blog. Each month, entries are invited based on a culinary ingredient or concept. Find the current theme HERE. After the deadline (entries are due at midnight Pacific Standard Time on the 20th of each month), a panel of judges will score the entries and give out 5 different awards. I know I'm totally pushing it with this entry (seeing as it's already the 20th!) but I hope they will still accept my attempt at photography.

Living Orbs

The photo was taken on a Kodak EasyShare C613 Digital Camera, using the "Sepia" tone setting. I loved how this turned out, the reflection of the daylight off the egg, goblet and globe worked better in the tone rather than in colour. Interestingly enough, it only look me about 3 minutes to set it up - no special lighting, backgrounds, etc were needed, and as most of you know I normally cant take photos for beans, so this was even more of an achievement for me!

If you haven't already, go check out the event (all the entries are here so far). The photographers in us all will be pleased by the results, I'm sure!

I leave you with two more, slightly less professional but still cute photos I took yesterday of a squirrel that had latched onto the side of our house. After I took those pictures, the poor thing fell on my head and scrambled out of the garden and over the fence. Isn't nature wonderful?!


  1. thank you, sarah, for your innovative entry to CLICK. that poor squirrel looks injured. i hope that wasn't the case.

  2. Hey nice shot.
    And the squirells are really cute


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