This was an article I wrote for my co-op at
Healthy Eating Active Living. I submitted it and it should be available on their website and/or
Facebook page. It is also available on my nutrition site's blog,
A NEW-tritious Digest.
Snack Bar Savvy
By Sarah Reid, RHNC

We’ve often heard that snack bars are no more than candy in a healthy-looking wrapper. While legitimately nutritious alternatives to common candy are available, most of the items consumed as snacks by children and adults alike were originally developed as meal replacements or athletic supplements, not for general between-meal eating. Yet that is exactly how they are now being packaged, marketed and purchased. Splashy labels like “All Natural!” and “Whole Grain!” play across the box fronts with strategic punches of the latest wonder-food: cereal bars now have pomegranate hidden away in a sea of fillers, binders, artificial flavour and “Red Dye # 40” , while a “yogurt coating” (made of “sugar, palm kernel oil, maltodextrin, yogurt powder [nonfat milk, whey protein concentrate, yogurt cultures], nonfat milk, soy lecithin and natural flavour”) enhances a popular “trail mix” concoction. While there may be a few desiccated oat flakes and a vitamin or two under the wrapper, most run-of-the-mill granola bars are more sugar than sunshine-kissed fruit.
You don’t always get more nutritional bang for your buck in the snack food world either. The organic, gluten free and non-GMO bars look like healthy alternatives to the chocolate sitting next to them in the checkout line, but don’t forget – they’re still in the candy rack. Your $2 or more per 5-bite bar may earn you a handful of organic raisins and possibly some agave nectar, but the truth lies in the label. A “Berry Almond” flavoured LunaBar still contains three different sugars, added flavourings and a few other preservatives , and the popular BumbleBar still relies on added sweetener as its main component .
As long as in-between-meal items are small portions of nutrient-rich foods, eating frequently over the course of the day (up to 3 “meals” and 3 “snacks”) is actually a healthy habit. Snacks don’t have to be wrapped in fancy paper to be a nutritious addition to your menu – the first step is to really realize what a “snack” should be. Ideally, anything eaten as a “snack” – bar or otherwise – should be less than 200 calories, under 7 grams of fat (or 30% calories from fat), and over 3 grams of fibre. Keeping the sugar content to a minimum is also ideal, especially if the main source listed in the ingredients is not from whole fruits. Fruit juice concentrates, honey, agave nectar and malted barley or rice are simply fancy forms of sugar syrup. Considering that the much maligned corn syrup is just as natural in origin as agave, an otherwise wholesome concoction with corn syrup listed near the end of the ingredient list should not necessarily be ignored. Nor should you eschew fat entirely when choosing a snack bar – as long as it is from a nutrient-dense source such as nuts, nut butters or seeds, a small amount of fat keeps you full and helps you absorb the rest of the nutrients the bar (hopefully) has. When shopping, a good rule is the fewer and more pronounceable the ingredients are, the better. LÄRABARs have less than 10 ingredients – all whole foods – and even though the BumbleBar is a bit heavy on the added sugar it’s ingredient list doesn’t take a PhD to understand.
The obvious solution to avoiding all these label games is to make your own snacks. “Home-made” snacks can be as complicated as your own baked cereal bars (recipe at the end of the article) or as simple as a piece of fruit and a handful of nuts. For example, an apple and half an ounce (or 12 whole) almonds clocks in at 164 calories, 7.5 grams of fat, 5.5 grams of fibre and less than 1 gram of sugar . You also get a healthy dose of vitamin E and magnesium, which help keep you calm and content, while the fibre and fat prevent further snack attacks. These whole foods also take longer to eat than any snack bar, so your stomach has a chance to register the mini-meal and rev up your metabolism (and energy levels) for another hour – without the “energy bar hangover”.