Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Basic Chunky Granola (for People AND Pets!)

It's been a while since I made granola - and this incredibly simple, no frills, helplessly clustery batch is a treat for both humans and animals (like my sister's rats!) I added dried apple bits to this mix, but you can experiment with your favourite fruit or nuts.

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We are an animal loving household. At one point, I believe we had three cats, a dog, several fish and 3 or 4 rats living with us! Apart from the fish, every pet of ours has received homemade treats of some kind from me - and nothing is as popular as the granola I make for my sister's mischief of rats.

A simple blend of oats, sweeteners and seeds is sometimes all you need as a snack. This granola isn't super sweet, but is incredibly filling! The egg whites and cornstarch in this recipe ensure the granola clumps together in big chunks, so you never have to deal with granola thats just sweetened, toasted oatmeal bits.

This recipe is not only perfect for rodent treats, it is a wonderful base for any granola additions you desire! Want different nuts, seeds, fruit.... even chocolate chips or M&Ms? Easy! Same with adding spices and other flavourings. You can change up the type of flaked grains, or even add cocoa powder and a bit of extra sugar to make chocolate granola if you desire too. The large chunks of this granola mean it's perfect for snacking on its own, but they're easy to break into crumbles for your yoghurt too.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Lemon-Blueberry Croissants

The combination of rich blueberry and tangy lemon in these Blueberry Lemon Croissants is next level - the whole wheat dough is laminated with blueberry compound butter (yes, blueberries in the butter!) and gets an extra blue tint from @selefina.spices Butterfly Pea Flower powder. Rolled up in the middle is lemon cream cheese. It's a breakfast experience like no other!

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Is there anything more summery than the combination of lemon and berries? I personally love adding lemon to anything, and these croissants that were inspired by Pinterest are a prime example.

There’s something truly magical about the process of making croissants. It's a long process, but a very therapeutic one. The finished pastries are works of art, but like all baking that art is rooted in science. I read once that flaky dough like croissants and puff pastry is where "patience meets precision", which I love but also laugh at - I don't usually have either!

The magic begins with a compound butter infused with blueberries, lemon zest, and a touch of butterfly pea flower powder from Selefina Spices. The blueberries add a mix of sweet and tart all on their own, which gets boosted with a hint of icing sugar and some bright lemon zest. The butterfly pea flower powder turns a vibrant purple in the presence of the acid from the blueberries and makes the colour of the butter (and thus the rest of the pastry) a gorgeous indigo. What I love about this butter is that you can make it and freeze it for when you have a craving for croissants!

The filling is just as delicious - and we definitely used leftovers on bagels! Cream cheese gets a hefty dose of lemon zest and a touch of lemon juice before getting slightly sweetened. When the croissants bake, this filling melts into the centre of each pastry, creating pockets of deliciousness. 

 Making the actual croissant dough is a labour of love... these are not something you'll enjoy the same day! The croissants look complex, but honestly, the process is really quite simple when it comes down to it. I followed the visual guide here when I first started making croissants, and it helped immensely! As long as you keep the dough cool, and chill between folding sessions, you won't have a problem with getting the butter into those layers.

I guarantee, if you like blueberries and lemon, these croissants will be a hit - the aroma coming from the oven as they baked smelled like the best blueberry pie you can imagine, and while waiting for them to cool feels like ages, the payoff is worth it!  

Thursday, August 1, 2024

LGBTQ Sandwich

June may be over, but Pride is year-round. I was introduced to this LGBTQ Sandwich by Isakube and absolutely had to share it! The BLT gets a HUGE upgrade with the addition of queso (just cheese - not the dip!) and guacamole, and the crisp, thick-cut bacon and perfectly toasted bread tie everything together.  

The photos are also from Isakube, used with permission.

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It's scorching hot here - about 40C with the humidity. Summer is in full swing, and so are my tomatoes and lettuce plants! If you grow your own veggies, or have access to peak summer produce, this sandwich is certainly one way to showcase them.

So, why call this the LGBTQ? Well, in this case the LGBTQ stands for Lettuce, Guacamole, Bacon, Tomato, and Queso (in this case, a cheese of your choice). The foundation of this sandwich is perfectly toasted bread - choose your favourite sandwich bread here. Hearkening back to the tomato sandwiches I grew up with in the summer, a hearty white bread is a perfect choice, but if you want some extra crunch a multigrain sandwich bread is also lovely. 

A thin layer of rich guacamole takes the place of mayo on a traditional BLT and adds a whack of extra flavour. When I'm tasked with making guac at home, I base it off of this recipe, adding a touch of lime zest in with the juice - but your favourite storebought guacamole will do here! 

Thick cut bacon is next, cooked until perfectly crisp. I'm a huge fan of crisping bacon in the oven, because I don't get grease burns and/or a greasy cooktop doing it that way. However you do it, the result should be able to crunch just a bit when you bite into it!

Now add a leaf or two of crisp lettuce - I'm a fan of Romaine or Buttercrunch here - and a thick slice of tomato. This is where I would personally add some cracked black pepper, and a pinch of salt if the tomatoes are out of season. 

 Finally, add your cheese. Pretty much any cheese works here (within reason, of course. I don't think nacho cheese or Velveeta would fly on this). I would go with a pepperjack or a jalapeno-jack cheese personally, though you could use a queso blanco or mild cheddar too. Top everything off with the second slice of toasted bread, and bingo - you have a vibrant plate of Summer in front of you!

Give it a try, and thank Isakube later!

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Roasted Potato Multigrain Bread #BreadBakers

Roasted Yukon Gold potatoes and a hefty pinch of rosemary give these low rising loaves a wonderfully savoury character. A sourdough preferment adds tang while keeping the crumb moist and open. A slice or two is perfect with any soup or stew, or just on it's own!

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Is there anything better than roasted potatoes to cure a comfort carb craving? I'll admit, I don't indulge in them as much as I should, but when I get the chance I'm all in! This bread was sparked by an abundance of potatoes left over from a family dinner, and fresh rosemary by the windowsill. I've made roast potato bread before, but when I saw this recipe on My Love of Baking that used a sourdough preferment, I had to give it a try!

Not only does this bread have the rich flavour of roasted potatoe and rosemary, but the preferment used an unusual ingredient - beer! The amber ale I picked was ever so slightly sweet (and not hoppy) and local to me. I took that idea and paired it with the nuttiness of barley flour and my standard whole wheat bread flour.

Once you combine the preferment with the rest of the ingredients (apart from the potatoes, that is) and knead it all together, be prepared to let it rest - think of the bread like your body after running a marathon (or conquering the work week) - it needs a spa day. A few folds and the addition of the potatoes later, it gets shaped and given a final proof in a bowl. I don't have a round banneton, but I imagine it would be better! A final rise and its plopped (gently) into a screaming hot Dutch oven and baked to a deep brown with a prominent crust.

The bread itself is time consuming, but well worth it in the end - the smell that came from my oven as it baked in a Dutch oven was out of this world.

Slicing into the cooled loaf, you're met with a slightly dense but still tender crumb speckled with bits of roasted potatoes. My mom immediately spread it with cream cheese, but the heels of the bread made stellar soup dippers from what I hear!

This loaf is my submission for the #Breadbakers Mixed Grains Bread event. 

#BreadBakers is a group of bread loving bakers who get together once a month to bake bread with a common ingredient or theme. You can see all our of lovely bread by following our Pinterest board right here. Links are also updated after each event on the #BreadBakers home page.

We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient. If you are a food blogger and would like to join us, just send Stacy an email with your blog URL to foodlustpeoplelove@gmail.com.


Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Bunny Bread #BreadBakers

My niece and I have started baking together on Fridays, this was our first project - whole wheat Bumny Bread! Whole wheat and decorated with food colouring mixed with egg whites.

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It's no secret that I love teaching kids (and adults) how to bake. From learning why we follow a recipe, to reading the ingredients and making sure everything we need is out, to measuring things to the fun part of mixing everything and learning about the science of it all, kids learn so many different things in the kitchen! While I no longer teach formally, I'm lucky enough to have 4 niblings who love getting into the kitchen with me and making all sorts of things!

Tackling bread with kids is both incredibly rewarding and incredibly tricky. My niece (who was 5 at the time) loved helping to knead the dough, shape it and paint it, but waiting the hour for it to rise felt like a century to her. I had plenty of activities for her to do in the meantime - she loves helping to clean up (just like her younger brother, who is the king of cake pops) and we watched plenty of YouTube videos during the wait. When the bread was done, she couldn't wait to take a bite, and considering the finished loaf was almost the size of her head, she got through the ears before we packed it up for her to take home.

Since then, we've baked a plethora of things together, and her younger brother is old enough now to really get into the kitchen so I cannot wait to see what we come up with!

#BreadBakers is a group of bread loving bakers who get together once a month to bake bread with a common ingredient or theme. Follow our Pinterest board right here. Links are also updated each month on this home page.

We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient.